Dog collars: features and tips for use

dog collars
Collar is an important accessory for a dog. It allows us to take a walk with us without the danger of escaping.
For this reason choosing the right collar is not a matter of fact; It must have particular characteristics, which may vary according to the breed of the animal or its indole.
A collar must first be durable, to prevent it from breaking as you carry the dog. That's why it has to be adjusted to the dog's weight.
A small dog is good to have a light collar, because one too heavy could cause physical problems or irritations.
Conversely a large dog will need a sturdy collar to prevent it from breaking easily. It must then bear the dog's identification name and phone number, in case you lose it.
Remember that the collar should not be too tight around your neck to avoid breathing problems, dermatitis or hair loss in that area. In particular, verify that there are two fingers of space between the collar and the dog's neck.
It does not even have to be too wide, otherwise, the dog will risk pulling the collar while you're walking, this can be very dangerous, imagine if it is free and runs in the street! There are several models of dog collars, you just have to buy the perfect one for your four-legged friend. 
It is essential that the dog gets used to the puppy to wear the collar because it is a very important accessory that creates a kind of connection with the master. In fact, the latter through the collar and then the leash, will be able to bring your dog to the fun in the best way.
Bring your dog a walk, without collar and leash is dangerous! Fido may end up in a car or cause an accident because he simply has followed his instinct following an animal encountered on the road.
In education, the collar can also emulate the behavior that is commonly used to have the puppy's mom, that is, to control them by picking them up for the collotype.
When you first wear the collar to your dog, you may be very annoyed by the time you get used to this novelty.Especially do not make the traumatic moment, on the contrary, make sure to distract it from the collar, offer it with some dog biscuit or play.
Let him wear it gradually in such a way as to give time to become accustomed to it and to recognize it as an innocuous object, after which it uses it consistently. The same thing applies to an adult dog who has not been used to the collar.

Choose the right collar size 

On the market, there are so many types of collars for dogs of all sizes that will fit perfectly to the size of your beloved dog. Of course, you should choose the physical features of your 4-legged friend.
For example, if you have to buy collars for small dogs then it is best to choose them light and soft so that they do not weigh and tire the little one and not ruin his delicate mantle.
Instead, the collars for medium-sized dogs can vary a lot more in the materials, then obviously always depends on the breed. If you are talking about a dog that still has a good strength and strength then it is good to opt for a strong and safe collar as well as for large size dogs. Especially for the latter the choice must be very weighty not to underestimate the force, if you choose an unsuitable collar may also break it.
However, there are really many models, so do not worry that you will surely get the perfect one for you and your dog.

Dog Collar Materials

On the market there are various types of collars, of different materials. Each has specific features that we have to consider when purchasing. Let's see the main:

Leather collar

It is a very durable collar that lasts long. At first it can be hard and rigid, but with time it will soften in contact with the skin of the dog.
It is suitable for dogs with short or medium hair, while there are bumps for long hair. Surely the leather collar is one of the noblest accessories a dog can have.
Leather collars
Dog collars in very soft oxen leather of high quality. Various models and shapes available. Suitable for all sizes, find out all about the catalog!
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It is an important object that determines the link with the owner. The leather collar has a closure buckle and is sold to the size of the neck of your four-legged friend.
But what features should the leather collar have? First of all the skin must be thick without cracks and cuts, and in no case too cumbersome.
Buckles and rings must be firm. As previously mentioned, the collar must have a plate with the name and address of the dog.
But how to take the right measures to the dog so that it does not go wrong? To correctly measure the size of a collar, you must measure the circumference of the dog's neck.
Discover the brand new leather collar catalog from here .

Nylon collar

It is a type resistant to the most varied climatic conditions, from rain to excessive heat. This collar is ideal for strong dogs and agitated legs. Of course you can buy it safely, but it still makes it easy to adjust.
Thanks to the material used to make this collar, clip closure and corpulent appearance allow your dog to interact without limiting movement.
Nylon collars 
High quality, sturdy and weather resistant nylon dog collars. Find out all the models with its prices directly from here
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Its design is simple and elegant at the same time. This accessory can be used for service dogs or as the usual collar for walks.
The high quality of the material guarantees the dog's comfort and durability over the years. The nylon collar can be used for small, medium and large dogs.
If the dog is still a puppy (and therefore will tend to grow) you have to realize that after a certain period of time, the collar will become tight.
There are also collars suitable for night-time walks. Thanks and reflective strips your dog will always be visible, even in the darkest total.
Reflective Collar
Collar for nylon dogs and reflective material, neon orange. Ideal for the safety of your dog in dark hours or shades
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In the complete catalog you find over 40 types of nylon collars, choose the one that best suits you .

Chain collar

Chain collars are now just a fashion accessory. In fact, it is no longer a good idea to use this type of material except to give a more "wild" and "tough" look to your dog. It is also often used in beauty competitions.
There are different types, with larger or finer meshes depending on the size of the dog. In some you will also find spikes (facing out) to give the dog a more aggressive look.
Chain Fashion Collars
Dog Collar Dog Collars, available in different sizes and patterns, find out all here
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Collar Set and Leash

In larger online stores, you will often find both the collar and the leash sold together in a comfortable savings set. If you like the fantasy or the color of the set I recommend you buy it because they are often cheaper than buying collar and leash individually:
Collar Set and Leashes 
Collar and leash set of different brands and lengths. All of them are made of super-resistant nylon. Discover all models available on the market
Collar Set and Leather Leash 
Set collar and leashes in soft oxen (or eco-leather) leather and decorated. Different sizes and models in the catalog, choose the one that best suits your 4-legged friend here

Types of collars

The question is whether the traditional collar or the collar is better, since there are pros and cons on both sides.
Regarding the collar, it would have the merit of controlling the animal more firmly and quickly.
The buttock would not do these damage, however, on some large-sized dogs it is difficult to control during the walk.
The collar must be subjected to periodic checks to check for no injury or breakage, even to avoid hazards while walking in the street. Otherwise it is advisable to change it.
Finally, it is not recommended to leave the collar on the dog all day because it runs the risk of ruining the hair and causing dermatitis, only when it is really needed. During most of the day leave it free without constraints.

Collar with buckle

It is the most used, of various materials, easy to find on the market. It is suitable for small or particularly restless dogs, who run the risk of strangulation.
The dog must be used to the collar immediately. The owner can choose the most suitable collar to his four-legged friend, by age, size, and character.
Aluminum collar
Collar for nylon dogs (available in different colors), especially suitable for strong and lively dogs, with durable and patented aluminum closure. All measurements

The harness or toe

Ideal for those dogs that tend to pull while walking or for medium / large size, they allow you to have more control over the dog without "throttling" it. We talk about it thoroughly in the article dedicated to the chest .
Pettorina H - Different fantasies and sizes 
Trendy nylon studs with trendy design, continuous adjustment for better portability, with snap closure and two D-ring. Various patterns, colors and sizes
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Custom Dog Collars (as)

Give your dog a personalized collar is a great idea. This is because on the collars with the nameplate it is possible to affect the dog's name and other information such as the various details to allow it to be brought home from you in case of loss.
But it's also a way to make your dog look different, innovative and more beautiful with a nice plaque with its engraved name, also by creating several custom collars of various colors that make the text stand out.
Collar with Custom Name
Would you like to have a collar with the name of your puppy written on it? From today you can thanks to the customizable leash!
Obviously the plate must be purchased in the size appropriate to the size of your pet, too small you risk not to be noticed, otherwise too big annoys your dog and can even hurt or hurt him.

Collars for hunting dogs

The ideal type of hunting dog collars is that with a GPS tracker inside it so you can always monitor where the dog is.
It is also necessary that it does not prevent the movements of the dogs and that it is therefore comfortable and light. Hunting dogs in fact need to be very free in the movements because they spend several hours chasing wild game for the woods.
Consequently, it is a good idea to use a light and thin collar that does not bother the dog.

Dog collars with GPS - satellites

Now we are in an era where technology has come everywhere and is not always a pleasant thing, but in this case yes.
We are talking about dog collars with gps that allow masters to always know where their dog is. In fact, many of the hairy friends have the habit of sneaking away from home worrying about the frightened mates looking for them everywhere.
Smashing your dog is a horrible thing, if it happened to you, you know what it's like to be unable to know how it is and where it is. The anguish does not end until you see Fido return unharmed in your arms.
Fortunately thanks to modern technology you can give your dog a nice collar with gps.
Collar with GPS
Collar gps that allows you to follow your dog everywhere. App for any matched smartphone, so you can see your 4-legged friend's mobile on your phone.
This way you can always keep it under control and know where it is when you are away from home.
These systems exploit the gps signal and geolocation, the small transmitter attached to the dog collar so that you can locate exactly where the dog is, thanks to the map that can be seen from the PC, or through apps from the smartphone or From the tablet. They are also very useful to be worn by hunting dogs.

Dog collars signed

There are so many dog collars brands each with different characteristics. But if you are looking for dog collars, there are also these around, now our four-legged friends can wear the big brands.
Obviously, these are not cheap products, because we know that even as it is for us, signed garments have a high cost.
So you can put on Fido elegant collars, so that you can dress your dog in the style you prefer; Or some article made in such a way as to make recognizable and innovative the style of your dog.
Of course, wearing fashionable and fashionable collars is fine, but you should never forget the practicality and comfort that are indispensable features to choose a collar.

Collars for pesticide dogs
Collars for pesticide dogs are very useful if you want to protect your dog from various parasites, there are different types of trade in the dog. In general, antipulch collars last much longer than liquid or other pesticides , thus avoiding bosses having to worry about having them renewed every month.
Serum pesticides
Seresto collars are innovative antiparasitic collars for your dog, which protect it from flea and ticks up to 8 months with one application only.
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Many collars are useful not against ticks, fleas etc, but also against pappataci. Neem oil collars are also found, which is a very unpleasant substance to parasites and insects.

Collars for electric dogs

Electric dog collars are absolutely unapproachable! They hurt your dog and do not help in training, even these products only give the dogs pain and fear. They are forbidden in Italy.
You certainly do not want your dog to be stressed, frightened and aching, and above all, you do not want to be the cause of all this.

Dog Collars Do It Yourself

As mentioned earlier, the collar is an important accessory for your dog, to keep it safe at your side and to train it in the best way.

First we talked about the fact that there are so many materials and also with different features: collars for female dogs embellished with rhinestones, flakes etc, collars for large or small size dogs, and so on. In short there are collars for all tastes and all types.
But it's also true that you can make DIY collars and customize the collar of your trusty four-legged friend. In this way this accessory will not only be original, but also unique, because you will be doing it and will reflect your personality and that of your dog.
You will need only a few materials and if you are required to do work that requires manual workmanship, then you will be able to make wonderful crafts collars. Always make sure that the materials used are not harmful to Fido and above all that they can not ingest parts.


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